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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Sunday-Start Over

Sweet Sundays. Use this day to create a clean slate for the rest of the week with a positive mindset! So get a little selfish and take some time for yourself!

The best way to start the day is obviously with a rather large cup of coffee and a satisfying breakfast! When I wake up, I crave something that will fill me up but energize me at the same time. I tend to make myself a bowl of hearty oatmeal with some extra added sweetness. This healthy option fuels me for the day while being super quick and healthy. 
What you need:

  • Your favorite oatmeal (mine is maple and brown sugar)
  • Raisins 
  • Sliced bananas
  • Agave
Cook oatmeal as directed then add in fruit and drizzle over some agave :)

Who said that you have to spend a ton of money to have a nice manicure? I know that having my nails done is a little touch that makes me feel more put together. Try making this hand soak that will strengthen your nails in the comfort of your home.
What you need:
  • Tablespoon of Coconut Oil
  • 1/4 cup of milk
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil
Mix, heat in microwave for 15 seconds, and soak hands for 10-15 minutes, then file and paint nails! :)

The most important thing to have to start the week is good mindset! With all of your current stresses and technology, it is easy to forget to take a healthy break for yourself. Here are some really easy ways to unwind your mind!
  1. Turn off your phone! Getting caught up in all of the social media and losing track of valuable time takes away from improving yourself. So even though it may be hard, it will be worth it! Twitter can wait.
  2. Keep a journal! Writing makes the brain stronger and is a great way to reflect.
  3. Watch your favorite movie with a friend. An hour or two focused on something other then Monday is more therapeutic than you think.
Whatever you choose to do today, enjoy it and unwind. Happy Sunday!